About Grant Stinchfield
• Known As One Of The Hardest Hitting Unapologetic Voices In The News Industry
• Host of "Stinchfield Tonight" on Real America's Voice
• Host of "The Morning Answer" on AM870 in Los Angeles
• Former Host of Newsmax's #1 Rated Prime Time Show
• Media Personality Spending 20 Years at NBC owned Stations
• Helped Launch NRATV
• Successful Small Business
• Political Consultant
• Public Speaker
Grant Stinchfield is one of the leading conservative voices of our time. He is most known for his hard hitting, unapologetic approach to covering news. As the host of "Stinchfield Tonight" on Real America's Voice as well as "The Morning Answer" on AM 870 in Los Angeles, Grant has become an inspirational leader inside the MAGA movement. He is often called upon to consult with members of not just the Trump Team, but President Trump personally. President Trump famously used one of Grant's videos during a Georgia Rally to expose election fraud.
Newsmax famously cancelled Grant's number one rated prime time show on the network because of his refusal to attack Tucker Carlson along with his refusal to unequivocally back the war in Ukraine. Media bias is something Grant knows all about. He spent 20 years working in local news for the NBC owned and operated stations group. He was one of the first reporters to get to Ground Zero on 9/11. Grant holds four Emmy Awards for his work as an investigative reporter. One of those Emmys is for an investigation that lead to the arrest of multiple suspects in a five ye\ar old cold case. While working at NBC Grant experienced many forms of media bias and cover-ups. He often speaks to groups about how to spot media bias and how the media tries to hide its bias.
Grant is also a respected defender of the 2nd Amendment. He helped the NRA launch, NRATV, where Grant hosted numerous gun rights related programs. Grant has trained with some of the most prominent and well respected firearms instructors in the nation. Though not a member of law enforcement, he is certified in "Advanced Patrol Tactics" as well as "Basic SWAT." Gun rights advocates often turn to Grant for advice on how to stop the radical left's war on gun ownership. Grant's ability to simplify complex issues and message them in an easily understandable way is why so many of our nation's politicians turn to Grant for advice and counsel.
Adding to Grant's unique perspective on issues affecting Americans is Grant's background as a small business owner. He recently sold GPS Linehaul, Inc. A trucking company he started with just one 18-wheeler and grew to 15 in just a few years. He has started four different businesses all of which ultimately sold for large profits leaving his investors all eager to invest in his next venture. Over the course of the past 12 years Grant has employed over 100 people. He knows first hand what it is like to run a successful small business in America despite the challenges and regulatory burdens put on business owners by the government.
Media Bias and its Dirty Tricks to Dupe You.
With 30 years experience in media, 20 of it spent inside the belly of the beast, NBC, Grant exposes the tricks and tactics the media uses to dupe the masses. From fake sources, made up stories and lies by omission, you will hear the shocking truth as to how "fake news" is really made. Why is the media so liberal? Who is pulling the strings? And what can you do about it? Are all questions that will be answered during this shocking expose that will prepare you to spot fake news the moment you see it.
Inside the NRA and It's Fight to Save the 2nd Amendment
As a former Voice of the NRA, Grant takes you inside the world's most powerful civil rights organization on earth. Grant witnessed first hand how NRA leadership conducted business and why it was so successful. Grant also witnessed the NRA's most tumultuous times. The lawsuits and attacks that led to the downfall of NRATV and the weakening of the NRA. Grant's most controversial revelation is that a dysfunctional NRA was far more powerful than a now neutered functional NRA.
The war on guns is real. That quest to destroy The 2nd Amendment, is why the NRA is needed. The organization serves as a case study as to the power large groups of people that organize and band together can wield.
The War on God Ends with the War on Men. It Starts with Blind Liberal Zombieism
The Culture War, transgenderism, educational indoctrination and how the left wants to steal the souls of your children is what Grant exposes in this talk. If you can take men out of society, society will collapse. The ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome are proof of how the androgenation of America will lead to total collapse. God gives us reason to have faith. Faith gives us allegiance to a higher power, God. When tyrannical people want to take over government, there is no place for allegiance to God. Dictators want them to be your God.
The media, our schools and universities are training America's youth to be followers. Blind to freedom and what it means. Critical thinking skills are being purposefully destroyed. Thankfully an army of moms and dads are standing up and fighting back. You can too.
How Washington's Ruling Class Became The Deep State and Hijacked the Nation
Inside Washington's Beltway exists a ruling class of elite bureaucrats. They are career government insiders that run Washington. Elected leaders rely on them for guidance and counsel. They are dangerous and they are not who they say they are. Today, they are known as "The Deep State," out for self interest over national interest. Their thirst for power puts American Citizens in the back seat. Government gangsters have weaponized their own agencies. Conservatives are being targeted. There is only one way to fight back and win.
"Grant Stinchfield delivered an interactive keynote speech at our JEXIT event, creating a highly energizing and engaging experience.
Grant is charismatic and humorous keeping the attendees on the edge of their seats.
His experience, knowledge and testimony make his presentation so touching and personal.
His honesty, integrity and character made everyone a fan for life!
Grant is always welcome to speak at a JEXIT event!
Grant gives a memorable and educational experience not to be missed."
-Siggy Flicker , JEXIT Co-Founder
"Grant Stinchfield is a master of public speaking and great at communicating conservative principles to large groups. Plano Republican Women was honored to have him at one of our events during a time when we needed the energy to remind us why we stay vigilant in our fight for American values. Grant is always great at spreading wisdom at a time when we need it the most."
– Jessica Bartnick, President Collin County Conservative Republicans
For Booking Information or Media Requests, contact Judy Landreth Wilkinson
[email protected] | (706) 518-2116.